Monday, March 7, 2011

No matter what, be strong!

I have been listening to this song all time... makes me happy! Hope you guys like it too!

So... it's been almost two weeks since I broke up with my loved one.... I spoke with him twice since the fact happened. It made me feel more and more depressed. For the couple of days I didn't eat properly, I was staying in bed until 1..2 pm, watching TV and going to work, have some drinks and going back to bed.
However, yesterday I was working, and one of my co-workers said that one of her friends, that she was going out with, couldn't make it, and asked if I wanted to go, and I said yes. So I texted one of my friends and said I was going out with her, and he asked if I was going to meet some cutie, and I said that "No men at the moment". Then he replied to me "Now I understand why you are so are afraid of being alone. Being single does not mean that you don't have anyone to talk to at 2 am, no one to call or do things with. You have friends that care about you, and would do anything to make you smile" That was a long ass text message, but it made me realize the truth. I have always been scared of having a broken heart, to be made fun of, to let my guard down for once. I always feared that people would make fun of me, or not find me interesting enough, so I never let anyone in. Losing my boyfriend was looking like the end of the world to me.

I miss him a lot, everyday to be honest. I miss our routine... after all it's been 2 yrs and a half together. I have been wanting to send him one last email but I didnt want to send something sad, or with mixed feelings, I wanted to send something positive, without being fake. And I just did that, and I am proud to say that I wrote a gigantic ass email with a smile on my face.
Even if he never comes back to me, I can rest today knowing that HE knows what this relationship meant, how much he made me grow, and that i will never forget what happened between us. I told him that it was up to you, he doesnt have to talk to me if he doesnt want to, nor accept me back... But my heart still open, until when? I dont know...

In the end, the message I learned today, and wanted to show to others is pretty simple and easy to understand, most of us get it figured out, but when it happens to us, we feel so lost!

Do not be afraid of being single, because it does not mean that you are alone. Even with a broken heart, you need to see that sometimes things are not meant to be. But if you believe that it is worth it, try it one more time. However, a relationship does not depend entirely on you; learn how to understand that people have their own opinions too...
Love is the most amazing and crazy feeling someone can feel, makes you happy, makes you wanna "die".


  1. Hi Stef,

    I'm so glad things are getting a 'little' better for's always hard right after a break up, but it's really a new start for you. I went through something similar and there is definitely another plan for you, hun. You've got to believe it and keep moving forward...take care sweetie.

  2. wow break ups not east at all but time will heal nice blog Check out my blog,
